Salam semua..
Hari ni rutin biasa.Takkan aku nak cerita semua,mau korang cepat-cepat nak tekan butang close tab tu kan?
Petang tadi terdengar berita tentang kes liwat 3 tahun lepas.Sampai sekarang tak habis kes.
Eh tapi betul jugak cakap ibu,cepat je masa berlalu.Macam kes tu baru je lagi.Padahal dah lama.
Ibarat macam sekarang aku mengira hari keberapa aku kat rumah.Kejap je dah masuk hari ke-20.Rasa macam baru je start cuti semester.
Dan disebabkan sekarang ni aku tengah taktau nak buat ape,baik aku jawab tag yang ditag oleh Cik Emaren (Ema+Oren=Emaren).Selamba badak je aku ubah nickname orang.
1. Who sleeps in bed next to you ?
-->Adik di atas katil,aku di atas tilam.Sebelah ni semestinya Zicky,Nicko dan Mr Nerdy ^_^
Bantal busuk pun nak masuk |
--> Sometimes,tapi tipu sebab taknak bubuh ubat je pun. =p Betul tak awak?
3. What kind of kuih raya did you make?
-->Seriously takde.Sebab selalu beli dari orang lain.
4. Best day of the week?
-->Friday is the best!
5. What's really creepy?
-->Rats and frogs.Euww much!
6. What's your current fandom/ obsession/ addiction?
--> CS5, CSI and Coke.O yes,3 C's ^_^
7. What are the colour of your baju raya?
--> Rasanya baju warna oren.Ha betullah.Baju kurung cotton oren ^_^
8. What did you eat for breakfast today?
--> Kuih burger Malaysia 3 and a sandwich.
9. What is your aim for this semester?
-->Aim untuk semester ni dah tercapai .So nak for the next semester la.Nak upkan lagi pointer.Hoyeah!Insyaallah..
10. What was the last thing you bought?
--> Erm..Nothing i guess..Oh2 except for the mineral water!
11. What was the cutest thing you've seen recently?
--> My Wits and Wots ^^
Wots.Wits tiada dalam gambar |
12. Does the cutest things affect your mood?
13. What is your zodiac sign?
--> Leo ^_^
14. Do you want to learn other skills?
--> Yup!Nak belajar masak la. =p
15. 5 things you can't live without?
-->Family,friends,my love,Hazel and Zicky ^_^
16. If you could meet anyone now,who would you meet?
-->Nak jumpa sape eh...Nanti nak pikir.
17. What's something you'd to say to someone right now?
--> Saranghae? =p
18. What are you looking forward to?
--> Have fun at GH!
19. Say something to the person who tagged you?
--> Ema,penat la weh buat tagged ni! =='
Perkara paling wajib semestinya nak tag kat sape..Aaa..Sape-sape je la boleh tak?
Sejak aku bawak Zicky balik Perak,adik-adik aku cukup suka nak main dengan dia.Kalau adik aku perempuan takpe jugak.Ni dua-dua lelaki. ==' Dalam sehari tak sah kalau tak sentuh Zicky.Apo nak jadi ni ha...
Sebab dia kaler Pink yang aku kisah diorang nak peluk ==' |

hahaha..blh wat penat..wehh! ape emaren! hahaah! jahat tol =.=! mentang2 nama dia emora..sbrg jer nk pggl kta emaren..hahhaa
ahaha.aku kan suke ubah nick name orang.twink! ^_^ biel la selalu kena ngan aku.ahahaha..
penat la weh tagged ni.
1- xde sape2
2- yes. aku tipu sbb kkdg aku nak free xde sape kacau
3- kuih tunjuk
4-Wednesday. xtau knape
5-bapuk. creepy gila
7-baju rayaku berwarne gold
8-mi goreng
10-rambut palsu Kak Fenny utk projek video
11-Myself in mirror
12-of course
14-yes. nak belajar hipnosis hehe
16-future me. cool gila kalau boleh tahu aku jadi apa
17-shut the fuck off. your annoying voice has entered my zone
18-starting class. summer class
19- no one tagged me. :P
oke yang no 11 tu taklea blah ea.haha..kalau aku tau kau nak jawab tag,aku tag je kau weh. =p
aku jawab kt bhg komen je....aku xsuka main tag kt blog sendiri hahahha. plus, aku mmg xde keje pg td masa aku taip komen ni
semua doll ade name? wahhh..
cun cun lak tu..
H.I : Hee..yep!bukan doll je,sekali laptop,kasut,hp,pendrive semua kasi nama.
alamak comelnye patung wane hijau tu.. :)
heidi,comel kan =p
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